Talent Assessment: A Better Way to Accurately Fill Positions and Review Performance Post-Covid

Written by Michael Riall

October 27, 2020

Hiring and assessing performance remotely, the somewhat new frontier.  With technology attempting to bridge the gaps face-to-face interviews and performance reviews are leaving, the answer might seem as simple as buying and implementing a piece of software to do the job for you.  

While technology is definitely part of the solution if the human aspect of the equation is ignored gaps will remain 

The population currently making up the majority of the workforce, millennials, is less likely to stay around if they’re not engaged.Add to this a number of factors we discussed in our Future of Work eBook, such as automation and the need for more humanity in the workplace, and it’s clear the landscape has changed—hiring and performance review needs to change accordingly. 

Talent Acquisition 

  1. First things first, update your hiring and onboarding policies to reflect any and all changes your organization has made, including remote hiring and working. 
  2. Look for a recruit’s potential and measure their interest in areas your organization may be looking to grow, not just their current skills. 
    • Leadership potential and versatility are becoming more and more important. 
    • Do they possess skills you weren’t looking for but can help your organization diversify or grow? 
    • Skills, mentorship, and continuing education are all things your organization should be offering if you want to keep today’s talent engaged. 
  3. Personality tests, competency tests, etc., may all be necessary, but remember that this is a person and treat them accordingly.
    • If they’re an exceptional candidate they may have a lot of job offersnot only is it just good practice, but it might make a difference when they’re making a final decision. 
  4. How have they adapted to the changes going on in the real world and how have they previously dealt with changes at work? 
    • With continuous change being such a big factor in today’s workplace, a candidate’s reaction to change is something that needs to be assessed. 
  5. Hiring the wrong resource is costly, so consider your options. 
    • Get help either managing your organization’s changes to hiringor consider outsourcing talent acquisitionand management until your organization becomes accustomed to this new reality of remote hiring and on-boarding. 

 Performance Review  

  1. Remember that people are people, emotions and reactions are natural, and people are still adjusting to their new reality. 
  2. Take this opportunity to redefine what a performance review means. 
    • Progress is a broad term. 
    • Be clear as far as goals, but let the employee help set them, and allow opportunities for organic growth to mean something if goals aren’t met. 
  3. Start reviewing your employee’s skills, even if they’re not currently being utilized. 
    • Soft skills and technical skills. 
    • If your employees have valuable workplace skills, are interested in using those skills, and would like to start using them—this is an excellent way to improve their performance, as well as something leadership can start reviewing with them.  
  4. Communicate, communicate, communicate.  
    • Things change continuously and communicating helps you track them and better assess performance. 
  5. Again, get help if you need it. 
    •  Do your research if you’re thinking of using an HR solution (I know we have our favorite). 
    • Get opinions, get advice, and make sure your employees are part of the conversation.  

The Future of Work 

Talent acquisition and performance management have always been a time sink for organizations, but finding the right resources and managing them effectively has a huge payoff in the long run.  


Yes, the landscape has changed, but it’s providing an opportunity for organizations to improve their hiring and assessment processes—as well as define what the future of work means for them. However, if you’re struggling to manage this change, as always, we’re here to help, contact us.