The World Has Changed. What Comes Next?

The World Has Changed. What Comes Next?

The World Has Changed. What Comes Next? Written by Michael Riall  May 27, 2020 So many people I’ve spoken to are avoiding the news, some to the point of staying away from social media as well. Too much happening, too many opinions, too much change. We’re now...
Enterprise Do’s and Don’ts

Enterprise Do’s and Don’ts

Enterprise Do’s and Don’ts Written by Watershed CI  September 12, 2019 Watershed CI regularly taps into our extensive network of change experts for insights on everything from leadership to measurement. This year we’ve been working on an eBook, which we will...
The Elastic Executive: How to Develop Change Resilience

The Elastic Executive: How to Develop Change Resilience

The Elastic Executive: How to Develop Change Resilience Written by Watershed CI  August 13, 2019 The term change fatigue refers to the sense of resignation and apathy that develops among employees undergoing rapid and continual change, typically when multiple...
True Leaders Know Themselves – Part 2

True Leaders Know Themselves – Part 2

True Leaders Know Themselves – Part 2 Written by Watershed CI  July 9, 2019 How do you share leadership with others? The degree of freedom you establish with others will shape your leadership style. It determines the level of control and trust you have in...