Written by Paul McCarthy
October 10, 2019
From experience we know that preparing for and executing enterprise-wide organizational change or assessing change capacity is, at the very least, on the radar of most business leadership. Executive decisions about enterprise-wide organizational change have a thorough and lasting impact on a business, and while there is a large amount of theoretical information available, there is very little practical and effective advice that is freely and readily offered.
If you’re reading this, I can assume you’re trying to navigate through all of the useless information out there and are seeking some guidance on organizational change that will actually help you with decision-making.
Why it Matters
Organizations are constantly bombarded with free webinars and offered tips to guide them in developing structure with little to no follow through in terms of actual guidance and advice. Without a practical and realistic plan to develop these types of enterprise-wide change structures, the idea typically dies on the vine, which is a problem, as they’re fundamental in achieving and maintaining successful change.
Change structure shouldn’t be placed on the long list of other strategic priorities, as any type of transformation or change effects daily operations, stake-holders, revenue, and the hundreds of other concerns organizations need to stay competitive.
What Actually Helps
Organizational change needs to happen:
- At a sustainable and effective pace and frequency
- With minimal disruption to daily business operations
- With maximum benefits realization
- In concert with any other transitions or transformations an organization may be undertaking
Like you may have done, I signed up for the free webinars, the invitation-only events, and downloaded a mountain of research; I looked to leading household consulting firms, as well as boutique change management organizations, in order to see everything that was on offer in the realm of enterprise-wide organizational change.
None of it was very useful. None of the research, the free webinars, the invitation-only events, the free tips; none of it is actually helpful for real people in real organizations to set up enterprise-level change capability in a practical and achievable way, within an appropriate timeframe.
Out of a desire to help our clients, and partly out of frustration that there is so much unhelpful information out there, myself and my colleagues at WCI (who are fellow experts in organizational transformations and enterprise-wide change management) compiled an eBook of information that can provide legitimate assistance when it comes to organizational change.
Gain Direction and Move Forward
Take a look at our eBook, use the information we’re giving you, and make a plan to move forward.
After that, talk to someone about it. If you’re interested in setting up, implementing, or reviewing how effective your enterprise change structure is but need help, contact me. I will gladly spend an hour of my time to understand where you’re at and give you an honest appraisal of the things you might consider addressing at this point in your organization’s journey.
You don’t have to hire us to do any subsequent work—I just want to play a role in helping you do the right thing, at the right time, and in the right way for your organization. It’s easy to be bombarded with all the research, the carefully extracted statistics, and the carefully constructed consulting language and tools—we want to help you avoid that.
If your organization is looking into Scalable Workforce Management as a solution, or needs help managing other changes brought on by The Future of Work, contact us.